Renovating or building from new ... with or without trims, direct to framing or to existing wall linings; Rigid / Safe / Easy to use
Download Specification and Installation guide here
A. Scope
Hydrawood Lining products can be fixed directly to Steel and also timber frame constructions.
Standard sheets are produced in white with one side GLOSS and the other side MATT finish
Timber Framing
Studs must be placed at 600mm maximum centres for 1200 wide sheets and 450 wide centres for 900 wide sheets, with nogs and top and bottom plates at 1200mm maximum centres.
For ceilings, battens should be spaced at 400mm minimum centres
Timber support faces must be straight, flush, in alignment and the bonded surfaces must be dry and clean.
Moisture content of support surfaces must be less than 18% moisture content and must be in accordance with NZS 3604.
Hydrawood Lining products can be affixed directly to existing wall linings such as plasterboard.
Stainless steel screws must be used when fixing to and or through Hydrapanel.
Lined Walls and ceilings
Surfaces, such as plasterboard must be flat, sound and suitably fixed
Concrete, Masonry or brick walls and ceilings
Ensure concrete, masonry is dry and seal if necessary
Timber battens must be fixed as follows;
For 1200mm panels, battens are spaced horizontally and vertically at 600mm centres
For 900mm panels, battens are spaced horizontally at 600mm and vertically at 450 centres
For ceilings, battens are spaced at 400mm centres
Battens / strapping must have DPC between the timber and concrete surface
Shower linings
Old shower linings must be removed, framing and plumbing must be inspected to ensure items are fit for covering
B. Hydrapanel Aluminium Jointers
End Cap
Use to finish the end of a panel.
Also used as a top cap and bottom cap to the panels as required
2. Standard H Jointer
Use to join sheets on a flat surface
Can also be used as an end cap where a negative detail is required
3. Mini H Jointer
Use to join sheets on a flat surface with a minimum profile cover
4. Internal Corner
Use to join sheets where sheets intersect at an internal corner junction
5. External Corner
Use to join sheets and to protect the edges at an external corner junction
6. Jointer notes
The above jointers are designed for use with the Hydrapanel 7.6mm Lining
Generic 7.5mm Jointers are available from Bunning’s for use with Hydrapanel Lining
Fixing with Adhesives
Hydrawood Lining panels are easy to install using Selleys Armourflex FC Adhesive, Gorilla Fix All High Tack, Wurth PUR construction adhesive Rapid.
Hydrawood Lining panels can be installed using Aluminium or plastic jointers.
Hydrawood Linings can also be installed edge to edge with a silicon joint between the panels.
Hydrawood Linings can be installed combined with double sided tape to be used to hold the sheets in place while the adhesive sets or the sheet can be braced for approx 24 hours to allow for full adhesive cure and adhesion.
When using tape with jointing strips, do not apply tape on the stud where the jointer is located, as this will not allow for the Hydrawood lining sheet to slide into the jointer section.
Construction adhesives should be used in accordance with this guide.
Recommended adhesives;
Selleys 650FC ( formerly ARMOURFLEX FC )
Materials Required
Selleys Armourflex adhesive
Hydrapanel double sided foam tape or similar
Selleys Ply cleaning wipes
Screws / nails
Silicone sealant and masking tape
Edge sealer **
Lint free cloths
Packing blocks – minimum 10mm
Tools Required
Cartridge Gun
Sharp blade knife
Hand Saw
Battery or power drill
Sanding block
Check all walls and ceiling and floor intersections are square
Check framing is dry, all timber and sheet surfaces are clean and free of contaminates
Check framing is straight, flat and level across the face surface
Measure and mark sheet positions to centres of corresponding framing, if using jointers allow tolerances for the panels to fit easily between
We recommend using full sheets in the centre and cut sheets at wall junctions
Sheets are gloss on one side and matt on the other - gloss side has the Hydrapanel label.
Cut and prepare sheets
Measure panel sizes from top and bottom of the wall to determine panel width
Using a straight edge, cut the panels to suit, using either a table saw, circular saw, hand saw or router
Remove the protective plastic film 60mm from each edge, DO NOT remove all of the film until the panels are completely installed.
Smooth finish the edges of the sheets with a planer or a block with 200 grit sandpaper
Mark and cut out for penetrations
Seal edges of all penetrations with Selleys wet area silicon sealant
Installation using adhesive with standard 8mm* jointers
(*Suitable for Hydrapanel lining only)
Ensure that you have a clean and prepared surface to work with.
Wipe down the timber/steel framing that you are going to overlay with a solvent based Cleaner. Ensure that you use plenty of clean lint free cloths.
Wait for Cleaner to completely dry.
Fix the first jointer to the stud
Fix second jointer to Right hand side of first sheet
Use sealant in jointers if using in wet areas
Apply a continuous bead of Selleys Armour Flex FC Adhesive 5mm x 5mm .
Wipe down the corresponding reverse side of the Hydrawood Lining (that surface that is going against the timber/steel framing or wall) with Cleaner. (Ensure that you use plenty of clean lint free cloths.)
Fit the edge of the sheet into the jointer and press the panel against the adhesive on the framing whilst packing the sheet of the floor / base with 10mm packers.
Roll or press firmly over all areas of the Framing or Wall to ensure that the adhesive is compressed to a point where the Hydrapanel™ is in full contact with the glue and Double Sided Tape.
Screw or pin the jointer attached to the sheet to the corresponding timber frame.
Repeat this process until finished.
Leave finished Hydrapanel™ lined a full 24hours for the adhesive to cure before carrying out further work in the area/room being lined with Hydrapanel™
Apply Selleys wet area silicone sealant to all penetration edges after sheets have been fixed
Remove masking tape whilst the silicone is still wet. (do not touch the silicone with skin as this can promote mould growth)
When installing in a 3 sided shower, fix the centre sheet with jointers attached to both sides of the sheet
Double sided tape can also be used to hold the sheets in place while the glue dries ….. please note however that the use of tape will not allow the panel to be moved or slid into position, care must be taken if using tape that the panel is in position before it is pressed to the wall / stud
HELPFUL HINT - When screw fixing; use 6g x 30mm screws / pilot drill hole in Aluminium with 1/4 inch drill bit, this will allow the 6 guage screw to countersink and sit flush to the aluminium edge
Installation using adhesive and silicone joints
Position Double Sided Tape to stud in centre position of the panel
Apply a continuous bead of Selleys Armour Flex Adhesive 5mm x 5mm to framing (positioned approx 25mm from the edge of the Double Sided Tape).
Wipe down the corresponding reverse side position of the Hydrawood Lining (that surface that is going against the timber/steel framing or wall) with Solvent Cleaner.
Roll or press firmly over all areas of the Framing or Wall to ensure that the adhesive is compressed to a point where the Hydrapanel™ is in full contact with the Double Sided Tape, whilst packing the sheet of the floor / base with 10mm packers.
Position corresponding sheets with a continuous joint of 3mm
Hold sheets in place with Nail blocks (refer detail 2 )
Repeat this process until finished
Leave finished Hydrapanel™ lined a full 24hours for the adhesive to cure before carrying out further work in the area/room being lined with Hydrapanel™
Once adhesive has cured, remove nail blocks
Remove 60mm of the protective film from each edge of the panels
Apply masking tape to the panel edges and apply silicone sealant to the gap between the panels
Apply silicone sealant to all penetration edges after sheets have been fixed
Remove masking tape whilst the silicone is still wet. (do not touch the silicone with skin as this can promote mould growth)